I mentioned in my first blog that I would take Cato along with me. Cato is a cat. But not just any cat you see. I'm his human. Anyone who knows anything about cats will know what I mean. For those of you that don't you don't pick a cat. The cat picks you. I remember our first meeting fondly. I have had cats most of my life...ooops...cats have had me most of my life. Glad he's not looking over my shoulder. I came to meet Cato at the Shelby County Humane Society's shelter last August. I was looking for a furry companion and had my mind set on what I was looking for. And Cato was not that. When I finally told the lady I wanted to see some cats she took Cato out of his cage. He's a tabby. Just an ordinary cat. Or so I thought. We went to the room where pets are matched with potential families. She handed me the little ball of fur and the first thing he did was get up in my face and start licking me, his purr so loud he was almost vibrating. Well, ten seconds of that was all I needed. It was if he was telling me alright daddy...it's time to go home. As the late great Paul Harvey would have said...and now you know the rest of the story.

As winter approached I knew I was itching to get on the road and shoot my pictures. But I wasn't sure how it was going to work with Cato along. Turns out he makes an interesting companion. Oh he sleeps a lot. But then he explores a lot too. My first day out with him was an experience for sure. I had a harness for him and a short leash. Yes I know a leash is a stupid idea but it was my intent to tie him to something and let him explore the world within reach of his leash. Turns out that idea lacked merit. The leash was much too short and it was hard finding something to tie him to so he could move about. It only went downhill from there. Seems his harness was fine in the truck but once he was restrained it became a burden. So much so that when I turned around to see what he was doing I thought he was having a seizure. Nope. That harness had to go. Took him about 15 seconds to wiggle out of it. Completely. So much for that great idea. So things changed a bit. You see, when I stop to shoot something I usually just take a few minutes. So not much time for him to roam and now that I have discovered the harness was a complete failure I wasn't sure what to do.

I did come up with a compromise of sorts. I leave him in the truck and get what I need. Then I take him out and let him play and explore. He's a good boy and doesn't wander too far. But he, like all cats, suffers terribly from what I like to call "Shiny Object" syndrome. Be it a bug or a bird it requires investigation and no, it can't wait. I stay close by so he doesn't get too distracted or at least so I can catch him if his curiosity gets the best of him. I will say he takes time to amuse me...being the benevolent soul he is. When we were coming home last Saturday it started to sprinkle. There is a depressed place on my dashboard just above the glove box (sans gloves if you were curious) where he likes to recline. It's his favorite place to sleep or just hang out. He can watch the world go by at 50 mph and wave at the passing motorists. But on this day I needed to turn on the windshield wipers so I could see. The first time they streaked across the glass I thought he was going to jump out of his fur. It was quite amusing watching him scope out that wiper thingy but at a safe distance. He never would get back on the dashboard. He eventually settled in on the console next to me so he could watch safely and be close to me if I had to protect him.
It's fun to have him along. He can be a bit rambunctious and then he will hide under the seat and I can't find him. It's always an adventure when he's along but to his credit he's a good riding kitty. Wish he could keep good notes though. Well, passable notes. Wish he had opposable (sorry about the spelling and Google was no help) thumbs. Be that as it may he's a good boy and a sweet cat. Every once in a while you find that animal that touches your heart. Cato does that and more. I like being his human...
That's not a cat. It is a sumo wrestler in a cat costume. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love that cat! Ohmygosh.. especially the part where he looks like he is asking you "what is this contraption, stop filming and DO something please!" lol. You are lucky to have such a precious companion on your journeys!
ReplyDeleteAww thank you so much for your kind comments! He's my baby and I'm quite blessed to have him. :-)
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ReplyDeleteLoved the video
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteI love the work you do and thank you.
DeleteThank you for your kind words.